Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Outside Time Galore-2 Months

We made it two months and everyone is alive and healthy. So much to be thankful for!
We were blessed with many wonderful visitors who came to meet the boys and lend an extra hand. Their presence was huge and has made the transition much easier.  I only wished you all lived closer!
The weather is becoming warmer and we are enjoying as much outdoor time as possible.  In this last month there has been snow and 70 degree days. We have started seeds for our vegetable garden and planted a mixture of flowers.

Planting seeds

Naked tummy time

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

One Month Mark

Wylder loves her new role as a big sister. There are challenges but the more
we engage her to help the more successful everyone is!

My first outing without the boys. We went to the frozen playground with the cousins.
One of our favorite aspects of winter is that if you can handle the elements you can get
the playgrounds to yourself. 

One month old and it was a beautiful sunny day, so we headed to the park for a bike ride and
some photo opportunities.