Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Outside Time Galore-2 Months

We made it two months and everyone is alive and healthy. So much to be thankful for!
We were blessed with many wonderful visitors who came to meet the boys and lend an extra hand. Their presence was huge and has made the transition much easier.  I only wished you all lived closer!
The weather is becoming warmer and we are enjoying as much outdoor time as possible.  In this last month there has been snow and 70 degree days. We have started seeds for our vegetable garden and planted a mixture of flowers.

Planting seeds

Naked tummy time

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

One Month Mark

Wylder loves her new role as a big sister. There are challenges but the more
we engage her to help the more successful everyone is!

My first outing without the boys. We went to the frozen playground with the cousins.
One of our favorite aspects of winter is that if you can handle the elements you can get
the playgrounds to yourself. 

One month old and it was a beautiful sunny day, so we headed to the park for a bike ride and
some photo opportunities.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Announcing the Twins!

 Baby A: 6.8lbs
Baby B: 6.6lbs

Baby A: Ciaran Felton Bazydlo
Baby B: Emeric Hawk Bazydlo

Enjoying the Snow

This little lady has been enjoying her time in the snow.  It may be a struggle at times to get all the layers of clothes on but once she is outside she absolutely loves it.  
Papa has taught her where to find the good snow to eat and she always out hunting in the forest for the clean white snow.  If you ask her who makes the yellow snow she will say Mr.Pibby!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Twin Update~32.5 Weeks

Pregnant lumberjack-31 weeks
I wake up every morning thankful for my health, my incredible body that is capable of growing two humans at one time and my little family.  I am truly blessed! Carrying the weight of two babies is no joke and by the end of each day I enjoy a big cup of raspberry leaf tea and to relax in front of the fire on the couch.  I am still going to yoga regularly and enjoy getting out to walk Mr. Pib, when its not too windy.  I can handle the cold but the wind is what keeps me inside. So yes, I am slowly adjusting to the cold.

My wonderful East Coast family (plus my west coast mama) held a little shower for me.

Winter Playland
Rewind a few more weeks and... 
Around 26-28 weeks I needed some sunshine and we headed to Hawaii to 
travel one last time with just one kid.
Our "home" private tide fed swimming pools

Wylder and her buddy Avaya enjoying a lovley morning swim

We took a picture of Olive and Wylder as babies when the jackfruit was the same size as them.
Fun to see how much they have grown.

Homemade coconut cream

Papa harvested all these coconuts and we ate every edible part.

My beautiful hawaii ladies. We all have toddlers the same age and are all due with
baby number 2 or 2&3 around the same time.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

An Update on Life

After almost a year in Captain Cook, HI we moved our little family to Syracuse, NY to be in close proximity and play an active role in Tom's life (Nate's dad), who had been diagnosed with a terminal brain disease.   We were welcomed by Nate's incredibly supportive family and the move went smooth.  It is nice to see Wylder surrounded with many cousins and of course tons of uncles and aunts.  Other exciting news is that our little family is growing and will soon jump from the number 3 to 5 and if you include Mr. Pib, 4 to 6. I am currently 25 weeks pregnant with twins!  We originally thought 2 adults, 2 kids and a dog, some camping gear and a roof rack; mountains and traveling here we come.  Well add one more kid to that and a slightly bigger car and we will still adventure. 
We couldn't be more EXCITED. Twins, wow. Turns out they run in both our families. 
Here are some photos of Wylder (2), Nate and I living life to the fullest.
So much love from our family to yours!

Tom passed away September 2018. It was especially nice to see
Wylder with her Giogi (grandpa in Polish).

Cousin Time!

Grandma Comes to Visit

GG-Ma Visits Too!
Wylder starts preschool Mon-Fri for a couple hours each day.
She loves it and her teachers are magnificent.

Winter is here and we are adapting to the snow.